Immanuel Kant essay. Free Essays. Leadership comes from within and I’m one of those who believe that leaders are born, not made. My ideal leader is Immanuel Kant, a philosopher who led his people on the basis of moral consideration for the life and welfare of everyone. His way of leadership attracted people since he did not expect his people Immanuel Kant. words 3 page (s) Immanuel Kant is a rationalist, and, as such, he places supreme importance on reason. However, his application of reason to issues of faith and the divine unfolds in interesting ways, given that it is a tendency of the rationalists to collapse into dogmatic reasoning. Indeed, as is well-documented, Kant, as Sep 03, · We will write a custom Essay on Immanuel Kant Ethics specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Introduction. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher argued that some forms of actions like lying and murder among others were proscribed regardless of the outcome of the actions. His theory is a
Immanuel Kant - College Essay Examples
Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher argued that some forms of actions like lying and murder among immanuel kant essay were proscribed regardless of the outcome of the actions. Kant held that there existed a sovereign rationale of morality in what he terms as Imperatives. However, these imperatives come in categories, viz. hypothetical and categorical. Therefore, if the subject of this command does not want to attend a medical school, this instruction is irrelevant. On the other hand, categorical imperative gives unconditional commands. In this context, even if one wants to evade taxes he or she should not do so. Therefore, immanuel kant essay, moral aspects must be defined by the categorical imperatives for the basic reasoning that people are commanded by morality and they cannot choose to take it or leave it; they have to abide to its requirements.
This is a rule of nature whereby people should do unto others how they immanuel kant essay love others to do to them. For example, if someone expects others to love him, then he or she should be ready to love them. Actions can never be morally worthy; they can only be right, or wrong. Morals are not attached to actions but to a person. Motivation here refers to the drive behind actions. If the drive or motivation is morally upright, then a person is morally immanuel kant essay. Likewise, if the motivation is not morally right, then a person is not morally worth. Actions are dependent on something else; they sprout from something else; that is motivation, therefore, actions cannot make someone morally worth or unworthy.
To expound the issue of motivation, Kant considers an individual who has won a lottery and decides to give all his fortunes to charity work to feel good about it, immanuel kant essay. Kant posits that, this individual is not morally worthy because the motivation was not out of duty but a selfish quest. To Kant, consequences are insignificant because without motivation, there would be no consequences. Moreover, immanuel kant essay, one may have the wrong motivation and get right or good results. For instance, if two drunken people drive recklessly and unfortunately, one of them runs over a pedestrian while the other does not, they are both morally immanuel kant essay because the motivation behind their actions was wrong.
Unfortunately, people interpret morality wrongly. Supposing the man who won the lottery gives the money with the right motivation of helping destitute children; unfortunately, a gang realizes that the children have food; raid the place killing all the children and making away with all food. In such a case, the man who gave the money is morally worthy because his intentions were right, immanuel kant essay. This argument renders consequences void and they cannot be used as parameters of gauging morality, immanuel kant essay. In contrast to what many critics think, Kant does not veto felicity. One can do something to be happy as long as it is moral.
In the light of this argument, all people would become liars hence robbing people of trust. Therefore, people should never lie, in principle, immanuel kant essay. Taking Kant to be true, a person would rather let his or her friend die even if lying would save the situation. This maxim becomes inconsequential because even killing would be allowed as long as the motive is right like self-defense. Kant cannot justify this fact. Kantian ethics are complicated given the maxims that he employs to explain his imperatives. Kant believes that people cannot be morally worthy by their actions. To explain this he uses two forms of imperatives viz. conditional and categorical. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.
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Kant's Ethical Theory
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Immanuel Kant essay. Free Essays. Leadership comes from within and I’m one of those who believe that leaders are born, not made. My ideal leader is Immanuel Kant, a philosopher who led his people on the basis of moral consideration for the life and welfare of everyone. His way of leadership attracted people since he did not expect his people Sep 03, · We will write a custom Essay on Immanuel Kant Ethics specifically for you for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Introduction. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher argued that some forms of actions like lying and murder among others were proscribed regardless of the outcome of the actions. His theory is a Immanuel Kant was a widely known German philosopher who was born in in Konigsberg, Prussia and died in Kant was often known as one of the most influential thinkers of the Enlightenment Era. Kant was the fourth of nine children born to
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