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Essay on identity theft

Essay on identity theft

essay on identity theft

Jun 16,  · Identity theft does not always involve finances; using some ones identity to create and live a fake life is another aspect of this crime. By stealing personal information such as your social security number, date of birth and other personal information someone can create and live an alter life without your knowledge May 29,  · Identity theft is an act of stealing someone else’s identity with the intention of accessing resources or any other benefits that may come from using the victim’s name. People or even organizations can be faced with adverse consequences should they fall victims of these identity fraudsters Ongoing and rapid advances in technologies have very much rendered identity theft an “arms race” between criminals and victims; merely knowing that the danger is real, then, goes a long way toward avoiding vulnerability to it. Beyond this, practical measure are strongly urged, and usually by financial institutions

Identity Theft, Essay Example |

Identity theft almost ever leads to identity fraud [1]. Identity theft is among the complex white-collar thefts that are experiencing a recent upsurge in their growth rate across the world. In this regard, this paper seeks to identify identity theft, current trends, and its impact on organizations. Identity theft adversely affects companies as well as individuals alive and dead. This crime has been around for ages, but has only recently gained popularity. According Experian — a credit reference agency — it takes days on average for a victim to realize that they have been victims of identity fraud Experian Agency, Suffice it to say that it is almost impossible to catch the perpetrator involved in identity theft, and even prove innocence in case there are fraudulent acts involved.

Javelin Strategy and Research Company conducts an annual study into the state of identity fraud in the US. The most recent study from reveals very worrying trends in this crime. Around In addition, there is a three times chance that fraudsters will use the stolen identities to make purchases. These purchases are often made on online e-commerce sites such as eBay and Amazon Javelin Strategy Not all cases of identity theft result into identity fraud. Data breaches are more damaging now as opposed to a few years ago. Currently, a third of the people who are notified that their information has been compromised end up becoming victims of identity theft, essay on identity theft. It is important to note that there is rapid rise in non-card fraud. Credit card fraud has been very popular over the two decades.

Non-card fraud involves the compromise of internet accounts such as PayPal and Skrill which are not tied to a credit card Javelin Strategy What factors led to the popularity of identity theft in this tech-crazed generation? Researchers identified three attractions that have made identity theft such an appealing crime King, The internet is the main enabler of identity theft, in spite of the fact that the crime has been around longer than the internet. The internet has enabled the crime to transcend borders and to give it the ability to be run on a global scale. More and more businesses are opening up online stores in a bid to catch up with the current generation of consumers who are always online. Computer usernames, passwords, and other vital account access information are hacked on a daily basis.

To simplify online purchases, companies rely on online one or two factor authentications — creating more essay on identity theft for fraudsters to take advantage. Most individuals believe that a strong password will suffice to prevent online attacks, essay on identity theft. However, most breaches occur through the use of keyloggers [4] and phishing [5]. There have been aggressive campaigns by the financial institutions against identity fraud. Businesses are continuously coming up with ways to protect their users against identity them. As ever, however, the fraudsters seem to always innovate new ways of breaking through the security barriers that are set up.

To effectively put an end to identity theft, individuals as well as organizations must learn to essay on identity theft their behavior and awareness of identity theft. Furthermore, essay on identity theft, more steps have to be taken to increase the online security of internet users and the databases that are held by all organizations. The essay on identity theft that identity theft cannot happen to certain people in the society has to be changed. Consumers have to put up safeguards especially when personal information is involved Javelin Strategy Such information is often used in fraudulent activities such as requesting false tax return requests King, and making online purchases without the knowledge of the victim.

In spite of the efforts by the businesses to fight this essay on identity theft, the fraudsters are continuously innovating new ways of essay on identity theft involved in this crime. The best prevention method is for the consumers to learn how to protect themselves against identity theft. Brill, A. Identity Theft: How Companies — and Consumers — Can Protect Themselves. MMC Viewpoint. Experian Agency. The Crime that Keeps on Stealing. Experian Credit Reference Agency. Florêncio, D. Do strong web passwords accomplish anything. HotSec 7. Javelin Strategy. Pleasanton: Greenwitch Associates. King, essay on identity theft, R.

CIO Journal. Expected High Returns Mild sentences as opposed to other crimes [3]. Advantage of anonymity which is fundamental to identity theft, essay on identity theft. Only about 1 of fraudsters is ever caught Javelin Strategy Bibliography Brill, A. BROWSE Business Healthcare Economics History Global Politics Film and Music English Education Criminology Computer Science Communications Law Literature Management Marketing Mathematics Art Medicine Nursing Political Science Physics Agriculture Philosophy Tech Psychology Religion Science Sociology People Sports Others SUBMIT AN ESSAY.

What to do if You're a Victim of Identity Theft

, time: 5:53

Essay On Identity Theft | Essayfinder

essay on identity theft

Aug 03,  · Essay on Identity Theft. Words | 4 Pages. Identity Theft This paper will cover the topic of identity theft via the internet, phone and several other schemes. It will identify various ways in which your identity is stolen and ways which you can safeguard yourself from being victimized Sep 17,  · The concept of identity theft has attracted immense attention in recent times, particularly given the significant negative effects that it has on the economic and social health of any society. In a nutshell, it involves the deliberate and unauthorized utilization of another person’s identity to gain a financial advantage to the detriment of the other person Identity Theft Essay. words 4 page (s) Identity theft is “the obtainment and fraudulent use of another person’s personal information, which can be relatively innocuous or much more serious” (May & Headley, ). Roberson () explains that identity theft is not really a violent offense, yet its victims often feel as if their world was ending

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