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Essay on first day at school

Essay on first day at school

essay on first day at school

Essay on The First Day of School. Words6 Pages. The alarm clock buzzed loudly beside my ear. Feeling like a gong that was being hit repeatedly was placed right beside my head. I sluggishly pulled myself out of my bed and dragged myself to my closet. The words, first day of school moaned ghastly in my head This Essay is Formatted For Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Class 10 | Class 11 | Class A person’s first day of school can be a bit traumatizing no matter how old you get. There are many first days at school starting from kindergarten, which I skipped, to elementary school to middle and high school all the way up to college. Maybe it is the fear of the Question 1: Why is the first day of school memorable? Answer 1: We usually remember the first day of school because it is a new experience for us completely. It is the first time we step out from the comfort of our home as kids, so it will be memorable. Question 2: Does everyone have a good first day at school? Answer 2: Not necessarily. Everyone’s experience differs, some

Essay on my First day at School words in english – Essay

My First Day at School. Life is full of new events. Going to a school for the first time for a child is to face a new situation. It is a new event for him because its atmosphere is quite different. First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was July I got up early in the morning on this day. I got myself prepared. With my father I started towards my new school. We entered the office where I found four men sitting behind the counter. My father got a form from one of them.

He filled it. My father gave the form to him. He looked at the form and struck a bell. At once a peon came in. he ordered him to take us to the staff room. The peon led us to the room where I found the teachers round a long table. My father gave the form to one of them, essay on first day at school. The teacher put my knowledge to test in English. He found me fit. Another teacher gave me five sums to solve. I solved them easily. Both the teachers wrote something on the form. He ordered for my admission. My father deposited my dues in the office. I was sent to IX-B classroom with a chit. I went into the classroom and took my seat in the last row in front of me there was a big blackboard on the wall.

Near it there was a decent chair and a table for the teachers on a raised essay on first day at school. After a few minutes a teacher entered the classroom. I gave the chit to him. He wrote my name in the register. The teacher was an interesting fellow. He passed a few funny remarks. At the recess bell we rushed out of the classroom. It was the leisure time. Some boys approached me. They cracked jokes. Fortunately three boys ran for my help. They took me round the school building. They showed me reading room and library, I found the school ball well decorated with paintings. As the bell rang we were again in the classroom.

Four teachers attended their periods but none taught us. At the last bell went. The classes were over. When I reached home, I was quite glad. I told my mother about the new school. She was glad to hear the account of my first day. This day was glad to hear the account of my first day. This day was a memorable day for me, because I liked the school. I studied here for three years but there was always a recollection of my first day in this school. I could not say about my first L. class because at that time I was too young to understand. Essay No. I remember my first day at school very vividly. I remember it was my mother who took me to my school essay on first day at school my first day.

I had a small bag in my hand. It contained an exercise book, my pencil box and my bottle, beside my tiffin. I actually did not need all these things, but had insisted on my taking them with me. My father had already filled up the admission from and submitted it to the school principle a number of days before. Now, I had essay on first day at school appear for an interview. My father had already filled up the admission form and submitted it to the school principle a number of days before. I felt a little awed as I saw a tall, big lady with a dominating personality occupying a revolving chair. However, her sweet voice soon delayed my fears. She asked me to come close to her.

I moved forward rather sheepishly. But she patted me n the back lovingly. Meanwhile I had gathered courage and I was able to answer the entire question without much hesitation. The principle was satisfied and she expressed her satisfaction through a broad smile. My mother came with me outside and deposited the fee with the fee clerk. I had got admission to the nursery class. It was however on the next day. I actually attended class. The day of my admission to the school was really very exciting. My First Day in School.

It was a bright sunny day, essay on first day at school. My mom dropped me at the school main gate. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the main entrance. I was in an emotional turmoil, essay on first day at school. I was excited, scared and a little bit nervous. I slowly walked forward as I started looking at all the other kids. Most were in groups and all talking laughing and smiling. I felt very small, like I was an alien who had just landed on planet Earth. I wanted to go back but that was not possible. When I got to the main building of the school I walked up to the reception area where I enquired about my class room. Instead, I felt like I had just been arrested for murder. I was bombarded with about 5 questions all at once, essay on first day at school.

I answered them all. To this day, I am still waiting. No one has taken the time here to get to know me or like me. I know they all judged me, as I also judged them. The teacher introduced me as a new student in the class and showed me my seat. I was feeling like a science model and they were going to do experiment on me. In break, I came out from essay on first day at school class, sitting alone in canteen and missing my Mom and Dad. Again, I went back to my class. I was feeling very lonely. Last period was a dance period. Everyone was dancing with their partners but I was sitting alone. At the end of the day, I still hated the new school, missing all my old friends.

My First Day in School Essay - essay on my first day in school -- short English essay

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Write an Essay on My First Day in School [PDF] - English Compositions

essay on first day at school

First day of high school essay Words | 5 Pages. IV My First Day of High School “Beep, Beep, Beep!” A.M my alarm clock was activated, it was time for me to get ready and prepared myself for my first day of High School as a freshman student in Piscataway Vo – Sep 07,  · My First Day at School. Essay No. Life is full of new events. Going to a school for the first time for a child is to face a new situation. It is a new event for him because its atmosphere is quite different. First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was July 15 This Essay is Formatted For Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Class 10 | Class 11 | Class A person’s first day of school can be a bit traumatizing no matter how old you get. There are many first days at school starting from kindergarten, which I skipped, to elementary school to middle and high school all the way up to college. Maybe it is the fear of the

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